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What are my legal responsibilities if I enroll my child at Heritage?Under Georgia law, the instructors at Heritage Classical Study Center are tutors. Students are considered home educated. As such, parents are still required to file a declaration of intent to home school to the State of Georgia. Check out the Legal Obligation page for a more comprehensive answer.
Is Heritage accredited?Yes, Heritage is fully accredited through the Georgia Accrediting Commission. Among other things, this means that Heritage graduates with sufficiently high GPAs are eligible for the HOPE Scholarship from the beginning of their freshman year in college. For more information, visit out the accreditation page.
Can credit for courses taken outside of Heritage be transferred in and included on a Heritage transcript?Yes. After a student has been enrolled in Heritage for one full academic year, we can transfer accept credits for courses taken prior to enrollment in Heritage, provided you can provide appropriate documentation of those courses. For more information check out the transcript page.
Can outside courses like math or science that are taken by a student while otherwise enrolled at Heritage be included on a Heritage transcript?Yes, provided the student tests in each of those courses at least once each quarter (fall, winter, spring) under Heritage auspices according to our Offsite Credit Transfer procedures. We provide regularly scheduled testing hours for this purpose, for these dates check out the academic calendar. For more infomation check out the transcript page or visit the Math & Science course page for more on outside courses/enrollment.
How do I request a transcript?Please visit our transcripts page to get all the details you need regarding the procurement of a transcript(s).
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