Our uniform supplier is Land's End. They have created a uniform webpage for us which contains the items which have been approved for our students to wear on class days! Also included are a few items of spirit wear. Our school's number is 900188020.
​The only required purchases are a uniform shirt and winter outerwear. Parents may purchase the khaki pants, shorts, or skirts anywhere. The type of shoes is left up to the student and parent.
​​​​​The full dress code is as follows:
Our required uniform is khaki slacks or shorts (with belts) for boys and khaki slacks, skirts, or shorts for girls. All students will wear approved white or blue shirts purchased from Land's End. Shirts from previous years are fine as well!
White or navy blue Heritage sweaters or jackets may be worn in cold weather. Students may also wear navy blue pants (though NOT blue/denim jeans) with white Heritage shirts. Shoe color and style are left to the parents’ discretion.
In all cases we wish for students to be modestly dressed. Therefore, please remember, when specifying shirt size for polo shirts, to request a size that will not be too tight. Also, it is preferred that no student wear distracting jewelry. (This is, of course, a subjective matter, but an example might be girls wearing very large hoop earrings.)
The dress code is not intended to suggest that a student with a tight shirt or oversized earrings is somehow unspiritual. Rather, it is intended to minimize the many distractions that students already experience in their studies so that they may focus as much as possible on their academic work.